After a lifetime of supporting and carrying weight, many older adults eventually develop foot issues. Proper foot care is vital for seniors, particularly those with diabetes or vascular issues that elevate the risk of foot problems. By providing nursing facilities and their residents with superior turnkey foot care solutions, GoPodiatry is on a mission to help seniors live and maintain a more vibrant, active lifestyle
We Value Our Relationships
We value our relationships with the administrative and nursing staff and try to go above and beyond in working with their schedules. Accommodating requests for emergency care within 24-48 hours and providing our facilities with our cell numbers and email addresses for both regular and urgent communications are just some of the services we offer. We also offer in person or online in-service education to nursing staff to help promote proactive podiatric care.
We have a strong professional reputation. Our podiatrists are licensed and well-trained. After each visit, the doctor documents the service provided through our EMR system and transferred to the facility through a secured VPN for you to access or print out.